Do not translate the names of contemporary figures. Unlike in Catalan, this includes the names of contemporary royalty. For example: ...
This section sets out the teaching indicators that enable degrees within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to be monitored and analysed. The initial dropout rate is the % of ...
Digital transformation in higher education is key for dealing with the new paradigm of highly digitalized societies. Higher education institutions must therefore rethink their educational, ...
An institution's educational model is the foundation on which its organization and services are based, as the pedagogical model implemented (face-to-face, online or hybrid) will define the type of ...
Ever since 2018, there has been collaboration between various Ibero-American observatories on subjects such as education, educational technology, innovative teaching techniques and higher education ...
Through our Open Knowledge Action Plan we aim to make the UOC a hub for open knowledge, one with global reach capable of providing solutions to the global challenges identified in the 2030 Agenda.
This research line aims to study food (as a transversal item), nutrition and gastronomy from biosocial perspectives linked to the digital world. It is interested in changes in eating habits and food ...
Choosing appropriate technology for the teaching-learning and management processes is key not just for an institution's internal organization, but also in order to ensure the proper development of the ...
Conscientes de que el todo es más que la suma de las partes, Crea nace para reunir la comunidad académica del ámbito creativo de la universidad. Se trata de una estructura transversal que tiene como ...
La UOC se caracteriza por un modelo educativo propio, basado en una metodología online de calidad, que sitúa la actividad del estudiante en el centro. ¿Qué significa esto? Que en la UOC el ...
Con sede en Cataluña y abierta al mundo, la UOC es una universidad innovadora, a la vanguardia de la investigación en la sociedad del conocimiento y la transformación digital. Desde hace años, la UOC ...
Per navegar per la pàgina de la UOC ha d'estar habilitat JavaScript, però sembla que està inhabilitat o que no és compatible amb el vostre navegador. Si vols navegar per la UOC, canvia la configuració ...