The Council decided to renew restrictive measures in view of the situation in Venezuela until 10 January 2026, and to list 15 ...
The European Union congratulated Joseph Aoun on his election as President of Lebanon, commended the parliamentary consensus, and reaffirmed its support for the country's political stabilization, ...
President António Costa paid a visit to Warsaw where he met Prime MInister Donald Tusk and delivered a speech at the Opening Gala of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Em 2025, a União Europeia continuará a dar resposta às necessidades urgentes da população da Venezuela, que sofre as ...
O Conselho decidiu renovar até 10 de janeiro de 2026 as medidas restritivas tendo em conta a situação na Venezuela, e ...
The EU issued a statement on the events of 10 January 2025, reiterating its solidarity with the people of Venezuela, and ...
De Raad verlengt de sancties in het licht van de situatie in Venezuela tot en met 10 januari 2026 en voegt 15 nieuwe namen ...
El Consejo decide renovar hasta el 10 de enero de 2026 las medidas restrictivas habida cuenta de la situación en Venezuela e ...
Il-Kunsill iddeċieda li jġedded il-miżuri restrittivi tiegħu fid-dawl tas-sitwazzjoni fil-Venezwela sal-10 ta' Jannar 2026, u ...
Il Consiglio decide di prorogare le misure restrittive in considerazione della situazione in Venezuela fino al ...
Atsižvelgdama į padėtį Venesueloje Taryba nusprendė pratęsti ribojamųjų priemonių taikymą iki 2026 m. sausio 10 d. ir į sąrašą įtraukė dar 15 asmenų.