In Netflix’s disaster-drama series ‘La Palma,’ one family finds itself battling the forces of nature to ensure its survival.
A look at the Canary Island volcano eruption of 2021, which Netflix’s latest binge-worthy hit has drawn parallels with.
If there is one guaranteed way to draw in viewers, it is to release series based on, or at least inspired by, real events or ...
There are countless streaming options at my fingertips. So, when something catches my attention with the first two episodes ...
The Tustin High teacher didn’t want to watch sad videos about people with his terminal illness, so he shares his ‘real and ...
Councilman Benjamin Vazquez, a teacher at Valley High School, suggested a book sponsorship program Garcia was quick to launch ...
Quentin Tarantino has a lot of skills as a filmmaker, and one of the best is his ability to craft memorable side characters.
As we head into the week of Christmas, the only big show with an actual Christmas setting, Black Doves, has now fallen far ...
La Palma, Netflix's disaster series about a family's fight for survival during a volcanic eruption. Stunning visuals, emotional drama and..