Surya Roshni added 1.97% to Rs 261.20 after the company announced that it had secured orders worth Rs 81.47 crore from Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL) for CGD project on Pan India basis.
A fuel pipeline that connects Las Vegas to a major oil refinery is closed and remains shut down because of power outages ...
Shell Plc began production at its ‘Whale’ floating facility in the Gulf of Mexico, which is expected to reach daily peak ...
Alleima will supply Preem with heat exchanger tubes to be used in the conversion of the Lysekil refinery from fossil to renewable fuels.
The US has announced a $500m aid package for Ukraine, including air defence missiles and ammunition. Meanwhile, around 113 people are injured after a Russian bomb attack in the Ukrainian city of ...
The 120-mile-long pipeline links ExxonMobil and SABIC's ethane cracker in Gregory to storage in Markham, Texas.
Some of the state’s biggest companies are working to turn a cover crop into renewable fuel for utilities, vehicles and ...
The Pennyrile Regional Energy Agency (PREA) took action at its Jan. 2 board meeting to officially designate its planned 53-mile long, 16-inch natural gas pipeline as the Pennyrile Energy Corridor.