The Sonic franchise is thriving, leading to demands for a fourth movie installment. A potential crossover with Mario could ...
Ben Schwartz pitched a Sonic the Hedgehog spinoff film featuring characters from a competing IP. He acknowledged that a Sonic ...
Ben Schwartz weighs in on the chances of Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Smash Bros. getting a crossover movie amid both ...
A mysterious Sonic the Hedgehog character fans have been wondering about finally gets a name since her first appearance ...
Tthe voice of Sonic the Hedgehog says a Super Smash Bros movie is getting closer to happening, but there’s still a big ...
Mario and Sonic. Since the Beijing Olympics, the former video game rivals have joined forces in a series of tie-in titles starring characters from both franchises. The mascots have sprinted ...
It's been 30 years since one of gaming's most-loved characters, Sonic the Hedgehog, first raced across our TV screens. In the early 1990s it was Nintendo and its moustached mascot Mario who ...
and Shadow are the stars — the characters are who we’re talking about after after the credits roll. When you watch any Sonic the Hedgehog after or before The Super Mario Bros. Movie ...
Sonic The Hedgehog has once again dominated the box office, but its main voice actor has his eyes set on an even greater goal ...