I am commuting the sentences of 37 of the 40 individuals on federal death row to life sentences without the possibility of ...
Qatar pledges vital support to restore operations at Damascus International Airport under its humanitarian efforts - Anadolu ...
Israel has 'created a pretend world' in which there is an 'incredible array of possibilities of creating foreign companies ...
Gaetz paid women, including a 17-year-old girl, for sex and used drugs in various settings, including his Capitol Hill office ...
Addressing cholera in Yemen requires 'urgent and comprehensive' interventions, says UN agency, as country reported nearly 250 ...
Portuguese manager 'had a successful gallbladder operation in his country Portugal,' Fenerbahce says - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Zvizdic underlines Serbia, Bosnia among few non-members in region, with Kosovo also expressing its desire to join NATO - ...
US hegemony and a resurgent challenge mounted by the Global South in the ongoing Legitimacy War with the West - Anadolu ...
„Хрватска е членка на НАТО-сојузот, исто така, Црна Гора, Албанија и Македонија. Хрватска, исто така, е членка на ЕУ...“ - ...
Многие заводы и государственные учреждения в некоторых провинциях закрылись, а школы перешли на дистанционное обучение - ...
Aşırı hava olaylarına sahne olan 2024’te düzenlenen BM İklim Zirvesi (COP29), iklim kriziyle mücadele için yetersiz finansman ...
ادعى رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو، الاثنين، وجود "تقدم معين" في مفاوضات تبادل الأسرى مع حركة حماس، مشيرا إلى عدم ...