Norovirus, often coined the “cruise ship virus,” causes more than 90% of diarrheal disease outbreaks on cruise ships, ...
There is an association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and increased all-cause and cause-specific ...
Increasing average concentrations of sotatercept improved 6-minute walk distance, pulmonary vascular resistance, and levels of NT-proBNP.
Life expectancy in the United States increased in 2023, reaching 78.4 years, while drug overdose mortality decreased from ...
Light-to-moderate consumption of wine, measured through an objective urinary biomarker, is associated with lower CVD risk in ...
California Gov Gavin Newsom declared a public health emergency as bird flu continues to spread among the state’s dairy cattle ...
Guodong Ding, Ph.D., M.D., from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, and colleagues analyzed temporal changes in the prevalence of nonsupine sleep position among U.S. infants at 4, 6, 9, and 12 ...
Any or repeated use of antibiotics is not associated with incident dementia, CIND, or accelerated cognitive decline among ...
In the era of DOACs, risk for CTEPH following pulmonary embolism is affected by multiple factors, including gender and heart load.
For inexperienced clinicians, just-in-time training leads to increased first-attempt success of infant intubation.
Moderate alcohol consumption and eating oily fish, fruits, and cereals may reduce the risk for rheumatoid arthritis.
ARDS survival was significantly predicted by improvement in the P/F ratio in patients who underwent 3 periods of prone ...