Shivaji Satam, the beloved actor behind the iconic character ACP Pradyuman, is ecstatic to be back on the sets of CID for its second season. After months of discussions, the show is finally ...
The iconic crime series CID returns this December with its original cast, including Shivaji Satam as ACP Pradyuman. The show promises thrilling new cases and the same electrifying energy.
The iconic trio of Shivaji Satam, Dayanand Shetty, and Aditya Srivastava is coming back to entertain the audience after a long time. Amid this, there have been rumors about the return of other ...
The new season promises suspense and thrilling drama. Earlier, Shivaji Satam had shared, "In this edition of the show, the Daya-Abhijeet bond, once unbreakable, has snapped and the two are ...