The anime series takes inspiration from both Ghost of Tsushima and its Legends cooperative multiplayer experience, incorporating Japanese folktales and mythology. When will Ghost ...
In a project bringing together multiple Sony businesses, Crunchyroll announced a new anime series adapted from Sucker Punch Productions’ popular “Ghost of Tsushima” video game and its ...
Crunchyroll revealed it is helping develop a series adaptation of popular video game Ghost of Tsushima and also said it plans to launch a manga app as a premium add-on for subscribers. The anime ...
A Ghost of Tsushima anime is officially in the works at Crunchyroll, with the series already in production and a release date ...
Ghost of Tsushima is the latest exciting anime announcement for video game fans, but it needs the artistic flair of one particular game mode.
Ghost of Tsushima and anime fans are in for a treat as Sucker Punch Productions’ samurai game is heading for an anime adaptation. The project will be directed by Takanobu Mizuno and is set to ...
Ghost of Tsushima’s rich, immersive world and its fantastical Legends mode based on Japanese mythology provide the perfect canvas for this project, and Aniplex is the perfect partner to ...
In seeking to further expand their PlayStation brands, Sony has teamed with Aniplex and Crunchyroll for a 'Ghost of Tsushima: Legends' anime.
"Ghost of Tsushima: Legends" key art: Crunchyroll / Sony "This project is a testament to the creative synergy within the Sony family, uniting the expertise of PlayStation Studios and PlayStation ...